Special Features
Xiolution makes it possible to make quotations in advance for each intended order. Quotations and orders can be copied, adjusted or monitored. Let yourself be convinced of special features and the simplicity that concerns every user.
Quotations / Orders
The quotation and order part within the Xiolution interface is identical. The creation of a product starts from a similar page. Every quotation that is generated from the beginning is built up from a calculation. Xiolution uses different order type templates. A template is called for each order type. This makes it possible to directly post an order from the quotation.
The templates help me guide through the system. You never forget important information.

clear overview
All quotations and orders are centralized and displayed on every possible ranking. It is possible to filter only your own quotations, but it is also possible to display the quotations made by your colleagues.
This also gives you the opportunity to copy and use a calculation from your colleague. This ensures a very fast calculation and quotation.
When files need to be supplied for an order, you will receive a reminder email. This email gives you the option to upload files via the portal. This prevents files from being uploaded on an incorrect order. This way you keep the files with the order.

For management users there is a possibility to analyze different current flows. Think of the financial flow, but also the production processes. You can adjust your flows based on current information from the portal.
Control your targets with simple widget that gives on the flow live information
Xiolution works with a best-price principle, which means that orders to different suppliers can be ordered across Europe.
With a simple click you can work out an order and book it on to the right supplier.
Keep it simple
You want to know more?
Are you curious about what Xiolution can help you with in setting up a European wide ordering workflow? Feel free to discuss this with us.